Italian design house Pininfarina has launched Pininfarina Classiche, as its classic car certification programme. The initiative is aimed at enthusiasts and collectors, and underscores the company’s will to preserve and promote its heritage.
Pininfarina Classiche will authenticate classic cars designed and built by the firm, through the use of its vast historical archives. The establishment of these took around two years of inventory and classification of materials to create, in collaboration with the University of Turin. Special software was written to manage the extensive records. These include the serial numbers of over 700,000 cars across more than 50 models, and over 20,000 historically significant documents.

This information allows Pininfarina Classiche to issue detailed production specification declarations for each classic car, linking specifications to the chassis number. These declarations include the intended market, model and type codes, exterior and interior colours, factory-release date, plus engine and body numbers.
Pininfarina Classiche is already able to certify all classic cars and ‘youngtimers’ designed and manufactured by Pininfarina for Fiat, Lancia, Peugeot, Alfa Romeo, plus a few more iconic Pininfarina cars such as the Cadillac Allanté. More marques and models will be covered as the programme matures.
Those interested in requesting a production specification declaration can do so by contacting [email protected]. Declaration prices range from €300 to €400 depending on the age of the car.
For more information, click here.